Well, big day for Morgan - here's Patty's update - we got back to New Orleans a few minutes ago. Hopefully he will be home soon - in a matter of a couple of days, I hear.
It has been a busy day. Morgan and I both had a very much needed good night's sleep and woke up early. We were out walking the halls by 6! Then the day got busier and busier. Kit and Billy took me to breakfast while Morgan met with his nurse for a while. Then we went to a "Daily Living and Performing Activities" class, where we both learned all about the things Morgan can and cannot do and how to do them for the six-eight weeks following his discharge. For example, he cannot carry or lift more than 5 pounds, so he will have to use a wheelie backpack when he starts back to school (how embarrassing). If he rides in the front seat of a car (not as the driver), he has to be sure the airbag is disabled. It is better if he rides in the back seat, on the passenger side so the front seat can be as forward as possible so he has room for his legs, and there is no airbag to deploy, should that happen.
The main thing, is his heart will actually heal faster than his sternum, which was broken for the surgery and is now permanently wired together. They leave the wire in, because to take it out, they would have to go back in to do it. Makes sense. The concern is that if he moves wrong, or does the wrong things, the sternum could shift, and not only be shifted and out of place, but could also become infected. Somehow, that translates into two surgeries. Hmmm. Other things he can and cannot do.....can't cut grass (sorry Conner), but can load/unload the dishwasher and set the table (within the 5 pound limit of course)(sorry Morgan), can do his own laundry (with the 5 pound limit), the only part of himself he cannot dress alone are his special really cool super stretchy very tight calf stockings (which must be worn 6 weeks and will be quite dashing with his basketball or cargo shorts). He was the youngest patient in the class. The others were probably all well within their 60-90's, so it was kind of interesting talking about the challenges of a young guy like him going off to college (we pray) versus the other stuff he really does have in common with them, like how to get in and out of a chair and how to open a refrigerator.
Well, after that, Morgan got to give himself a sitting shower all by himself. Then Glenn and Conner got here and Conner and Morgan had fun playing the XBox, or whatever it is Conner installed for him. Right before some of his friends were expected, a technician came and whisked him away for an x-ray! How rude. Good news is the x-ray came back looking good, which we were happy to hear, because his chest is still really conjested. He was having some pangs today that are related to one of his lungs not yet being expanded. We are assured this is all normal. So, luckily, his friends waited for him and then they all got to visit. Maggie brought him brownies that had really tasty icing on them.
The doctor came by and said the x-ray looked good and if Morgan keeps improving as much as he and promises to do whatever I say forever, that maybe he can go home Monday afternoon. His back and neck are still stiff and sore and seem to bother him more that his chest.
Tonight he got a good dose of pain killer and some kind of super anti-inflammatory. He still sounds like The Godfather.
More things happened, but that is all I can remember right now. Again, we thank you so much for your continued thoughts and prayers. I was scared they were going to say Morgan was catching pneumonia or something horrible today. I know that he is going to be fine and in part that is because he has so many who are pulling for him. If I have not answered your emails, please understand I still appreciate them.
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